A unique style like the Scandinavian is always present nowadays when decorating. But it is not a new style, but it became popular towards the 1950s. As we already know, its main characteristics are simplicity and functionality. In this article, we will see how we can give this style to Christmas decoration this year with several ideas that we hope will inspire you and enjoy them. Nothing better than combining a beautiful style like this one with the wonderful Christmas decoration.
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The Scandinavian style is sweet and casual, so much so that we can incorporate it into the decoration of our house very easily, especially in festive times.
One of the bases of the Scandinavian style is natural materials and fibers. A great tradition that we can observe in this first detail. These precious stars complement the red, white and natural color scheme and perfectly represent classic craftsmanship.
Another of the materials that we can use for Scandinavian Christmas decoration is the salt mass. Those beautiful and classic ornaments that surely have already seen. The white and crunchy forms found in nature, such as animals, leaves, and stars, complement perfectly with the classic and striking red color.
See more ideas in following images.
A Scandinavian style Christmas at home
Reviewed by Decorator
12:17 AM

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